Teaching Assistant Professors Department of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biophysics & Department of Biology Teaching and Learning College of Biological Sciences, University of Minnesota
Institution: University of Minnesota-Twin Cities Location: Minneapolis, MN Type: Full-time, 9-month appointment, Non-tenure track; Annually renewable
Summary of Position The Department of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biophysics and the Department of Biology Teaching and Learning at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities invites applications for two full-time, 9-month Teaching Assistant or Teaching Associate Professor positions to begin August 26, 2024. We seek one candidate with interest in developing and teaching a biochemistry lab for biochemistry majors and other experiential learning courses and one candidate with interest in teaching large-enrollment biochemistry courses to a variety of student demographics (biochemistry majors, other CBS majors, and related majors from other colleges). Interest in laboratory coordination, innovation, and development is strongly desired for the position dedicated to the biochemistry teaching lab course. BMBB and BTL are intentionally expanding our faculty with dedicated, innovative individuals who will promote student engagement and work collaboratively with our faculty to promote best teaching practices. Teaching responsibilities to include 3 courses per semester. During the academic year responsibilities would focus on delivery of in-person large enrollment biochemistry courses and/or labs for majors or non-majors. General expectations involve development and delivery of course content, assessment of students, use of the Universityâ™s Learning Management System, assisting students during office hours, and working collaboratively with colleagues to improve the biochemistry teaching lab and experience for students. There will be future opportunities to teach in Foundations of Biology or other introductory biology courses administered through BTL. In the summer, there are opportunities to teach through our unique Nature of Life program at Itasca Biological Station, on-campus or online biochemistry courses, or learning abroad. Successful candidates will have a desire to join fully in the varied activities in the two departments and to take on service responsibilities as they progress. The departments support faculty development at all ranks and tracks. Promotion may be achieved through three levels of teaching professor positions (assistant, associate and full) for these renewable, non-tenure track positions. Salary level will be commensurate with education and experience, and a benefits package is included.
College and Department Descriptions The College of Biological Sciences (CBS) at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities includes ~ 150 faculty with expertise across all areas of biology - from molecules to ecosystems - who work to advance the Universityâ™s discovery mission and to provide strong educational programs to undergraduate, graduate, and medical school students. CBS enrolls ~ 2,300 undergraduate students and 280 graduate students across eight undergraduate majors and six graduate programs. Additionally, the College has ~ 210 staff and 60 postdocs. CBS promotes collaborative research within and beyond the University to advance knowledge and find solutions that improve human health and the environment locally, nationally, and globally. The Department of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biophysics (BMBB) is home to ~40 full-time faculty. The Departmentâ™s student population includes over 400 undergraduate students in the Biochemistry B.S. degree program, as well as students in the other seven undergraduate majors in CBS. BMBB also has ~75 graduate students in the Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biophysics Ph.D. program. The Department supports three main Core facilities, a high field NMR Core with associated 800 MHz and 600 MHz spectrometers, an X-ray crystallography facility with high throughput capability and a Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics Core with MALDI-TOF and Electrospray capability. These Core facilities interface with university-wide initiatives in genomics and allow for unequaled research exploration from DNA microarrays and gene expression to proteomics and structural biology. For more information about BMBB, please visit the departmentâ™s website: https://cbs.umn.edu/bmbb The Department of Biology Teaching and Learning (BTL) has 24 full-time faculty, including 16 teaching-focused faculty, and 7 staff. The Department of Biology Teaching and Learning is a nexus for evidence-based teaching, research on effective pedagogies, and public engagement in biology. Current areas of research focus on improving learning outcomes for underserved STEM students, examining faculty/student discourse, and analyzing student engagement with quantitative modeling in biology. The departmentâ™s student population includes over 1,000 undergraduates in the Biology B.S. and the Cellular and Organismal Physiology B.S. The department is also home to the CBS signature Nature of Life program and Foundations of Biology course series. For more information about BTL, please visit the departmentâ™s website: https://cbs.umn.edu/btl
Qualifications Successful candidates should hold a Ph.D. in biochemistry, biological sciences, or a related discipline at the time of appointment; have at least one semester of significant teaching experience as an instructor of record that defined clear expectations for students and achieved successful learning outcomes for students; and have a commitment to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion for historically underrepresented groups and marginalized communities in teaching and learning. Ideal candidates will have taught biochemistry and have interest and/or expertise in digital technology and simulation.
The University of Minnesota, founded in the belief that all people are enriched by understanding, is dedicated to the advancement of learning and the search for truth; to the sharing of this knowledge through education for a diverse community; and to the application of this knowledge to benefit the people of the state, the nation, and the world.